Exploring the onchain ecosystem.
Previously I worked as:
- Founder / Engineer Project Blanc
- Co-Founder / Partner Dialectic
- Founder of Soapbox.
- Smart contract developer at ENS.
- Researcher at vac (status.im)
- Security researcher at ZK Labs
- Developer at brack.ch.
- Internship at spacebyte.
Selected talks, panels & podcasts:
- Reliable Messaging over Whisper at Web3 Summit (2019)
- All the Truth, an Ethereum Security panel at Devcon5 (2020)
- Ultralight Beam (2020)
- A Dip into the Mempool & MEV with Project Blanc (2022)
Selected Posts:
- Time, clocks, and order. (2020)
- DNS based discovery (2020)
- From Kademlia to Discv5 (2020)
- Medici: Dialectic’s Yield Farmer (2022)
If you wish to contact me, you can do so using my email.